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Ride the Wakelet Wave: An Easy to Use Curation and Collaboration Tool
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Title: Ride the Wakelet Wave: An Easy to Use Curation and Collaboration Tool
Date(s): February 23, 2021
Time(s): 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Location: Virtual
Cost: Free
Presenter(s): Vinos Kassab and Laura Cummings
Class Limit: 25
Grade Level: K-12
Audience: Classroom Teachers, media specialists and other interested educators
SCECHs: Pending. Check the status of this course at:
Questions? Please contact
Event Description:

Wakelet is a free online platform that was developed to help people organize and find the most relevant and compelling content from across the web. This platform allows users to save, organize and share a collection of links in a meaningful and visually-engaging way, including bookmarks, videos, social media posts and much more. As an educator, you can capture, organize and share multimedia resources with students, other teachers, parents, and your learning communities. Everything you curate can be shared and used for collaboration. Attend this professional learning event to learn how to organize, share, and collaborate the content you curate with your students and community.

Information for the virtual connection will be emailed to registered participants prior to the start of the session. The email you register with will be the email used to send the connection link.