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Visual Literacy Conference
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Title: Visual Literacy Conference
Date(s): March 17, 2012
Time(s): 8:30AM-3:30PM
Location: Oakland Schools, 2111 Pontiac Lake Rd., Waterford 48328
Cost: Community Members $100.00, Educators $50.00 and Students $25.00
Presenter(s): Les Howard
Class Limit: 300
Knowledge: None
Grade Level: High School Students
Audience: High School Students, K-12 Educators and Community Members.
Meal(s): Coffee and lunch
Questions? Please contact
Event Description:
The 21st Century learner is required to sift, analyze, make sense of and effectively communicate ever increasing amounts of information. This information flow is only expected to increase. One way to process and communicate the amount and diverse forms of information is through Visual Thinking.