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SOLD OUT: Elementary Content Institute: Fractions (3 Day Event)
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Title: Elementary Content Institute: Fractions
Date(s): June 28, 29 & 30, 2016
Time(s): 8:00AM-2:30PM
Location: Oakland Schools, 2111 Pontiac Lake Rd., Waterford 48328
Cost: $70.00 Oakland County/ $90.00 Out of County
Presenter(s): Sue Clippert
Class Limit: 30
Knowledge: none
Grade Level: 2-6
Audience: Elementary teachers
SCECHs: Pending. Check the status of this course at:
SW-CEH (Social Worker Continuing Education Hours): Will not be available. Please come prepared to provide your license number at registration.
Meal(s): Lunch
Questions? Please contact
Event Description:

This series, intended for elementary general education and special education teachers, is designed to deepen teachers' understanding of the development of fractions across grades 1 - 5, with an emphasis on grades 3-5. Teachers will actively engage in mathematical tasks that highlight shifts in understanding as represented in the CCSS, including the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Attention will be given to instructional strategies that teachers can use as they incorporate tasks, such as those explored in their classrooms.