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Courageous Conversations about Race (4 Day Event)
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Title: Courageous Conversations about Race (4 Day Event)
Date(s): January 14 & 22, February 4 & 25, 2016
Time(s): 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Location: Oakland Schools, 2111 Pontiac Lake Rd., Waterford 48328
Cost: $75.00 Oakland County / Out-of-County $150.00
Presenter(s): Jay Marks
Class Limit: 30
Knowledge: None
Grade Level: K - 12
Audience: K - 12 Educators, teachers, counselors, support staff and administrators
SB-CEUs: Pending. Check the status of this course at:
Meal(s): Coffee and lunch
Questions? Please contact
Event Description:
Courageous Conversations about Race is a four-day professional learning experience designed to provide educators with an opportunity to explore their own racial identity in order to engage in reflective dialogue about their beliefs, attitudes and perceptions relative to race. Participants will also examine the interplay between racial identity, perceptions of races and student achievement.