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SOLD OUT - CoT School Tour
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Title: CoT School Tour
Date(s): February 18, 2016
Time(s): 8:45 - 11:30 AM
Location: Leonard Elementary School, 4401 Tallman Drive, Troy, MI 48085
Cost: Free
Class Limit: 30
Grade Level: K-5
Audience: Schools participating in the CoT program. This will be a traditional CoT school-wide tour.
Questions? Please contact
Event Description:

School tours are a great way to introduce colleagues to the ideas and principles that shape and support a culture of thinking—what it looks like and sounds like in action.

School Tours are 1Ž2 day visits with schools engaged in cultural transformation to become places where thinking is valued, visible, and actively promoted as part of the regular, day-to-day experience. A CoT School tour, hosted by the school’s principal and teacher leaders, includes:

  • Opening Session
  • A Learning Walk through the School
  • Classroom Observation
  • Debrief with Teachers
  • Continued Dialogue / Q & A
  • Final Wrap Up and Additional Walk Time

We will host two different kinds of tours in 2015-16, traditional school-wide tours and customized tours.

  1.  If your school is in its 1st or 2nd year, we recommend you attend a traditional school-wide tour. We are seeking schools in their 2nd - 4th years to host these tours.
  2. If your school is in its 3+ years of CoT, you may want to consider a customized tour. In the spirit of CoT, we are hoping to provide a more focused opportunity to develop deeper insights and understanding for building a culture of thinking. We are seeking schools in their 3+ years to host this approach.

Please contact Jean Schmeichel at, if you are willing to host a customized or a traditional tour. Thank you for sharing your expertise, time and talents to grow meaningful PD with your county colleagues.

Check back often for additional tours to be added to the calendar!