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Anxiety Disorders in the Schools
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Title: Anxiety Disorders in the Schools
Date(s): May 17, 2017
Time(s): 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Oakland Schools, 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford 48328
Cost: Oakland County - $15.00; Out of County - $20.00
Presenter(s): Dr. Karen Rusniak and Dr. Jim Wood
Class Limit: 30
Knowledge: None
Grade Level: 6-12
Audience: Special Education & General Education Teachers, Psychologists, Social Workers, and Counselors
SCECHs: Pending. Check the status of this course at:
SW-CEH (Social Worker Continuing Education Hours): Pending. Please come prepared to provide your license number at registration.
Meal(s): Coffee and lunch
Questions? Please contact
Event Description:

Anxiety disorders are fairly common among children in schools. If negatively affects their daily life it increases the risk of severe mental health disorders in adulthood. This workshop will focus on the identification of various anxiety-based disorders that may be seen in schools. Consideration will also be given to cognitive behavioral intervention, an active, skill-focused approach, and how it can be integrated into school-based work.

SCECH & SW credits will be offered.

Due to funding guidelines there are 2 seats available for non-public schools, agencies and out-of-county participants at a cost of $20 per participant.