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PBIS and School Culture: Recharge PBIS!
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Title: PBIS and School Culture: Recharge PBIS
Date(s): August 16, 2017
Time(s): 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Location: Oakland Schools, 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford 48328
Cost: Oakland County - $15.00; Out of County - $107.00
Presenter(s): Mary Perfitt-Nelson and Karen Gomez
Class Limit: 25
Knowledge: None
Grade Level: All
Audience: Special Education Teachers; General Education Teachers; Administrators; Psychologists;Social Workers; Speech/Language Pathologists; Teacher Consultants; Counselors; Para Educators
SCECHs: Pending. Please check the status of this course at:
SW-CEH (Social Worker Continuing Education Hours): Pending. Please bring your license number.
Meal(s): Coffee and lunch
Questions? Please contact
Event Description:

We know most schools are implementing the PBIS framework to some degree. Over time, changes in staffing (and focus) can lead to issues around fidelity. Come with a colleague or your team to reassess and revitalize your PBIS implementation. Teams will leave with a solid plan of action to reboot commitment in their building.

Note: Due to funding guidelines, 22 seats are available for Oakland County Public Schools Educators and PSA employees for $15. There are 3 seats available for participants from Oakland County Private Schools and Agencies and out-of-county participants at a cost of $107 per participant.