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Building Cultural Literacy Webinar: Bridging the Gap
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Title: Building Cultural Literacy Webinar: Building Cultural Literacy Webinar: Bridging the Gap
Date(s): March 21,  2018
Time(s): 7:30 - 8:30 PM
Location: Adobe Connect Webinar
Cost: Free
Prerequisite Knowledge: English Language Arts Teachers
Grade Level: K-12
Audience: K-12 educators across the discipline and the administrators, curriculum coordinators, consultants, and university faculty who support and teach them are encouraged to attend; aspiring teachers will also find these sessions helpful.
SCECHs: Pending. Check the status of this course at:
Questions? Please contact
Event Description:

This webinar series will examine the role of ELA in building culturally literate learners in our classrooms. Four speakers will provide one hour webinars that explore the role of race, culture, and ethnicity and how approaching learners with an asset-based mindset improve learning for all.