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Structured Sensory Interventions
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Title: Structured Sensory Interventions
Date(s): April 17, 2019
Time(s): 8:30AM-3:30PM
Location: Oakland Schools, 2111 Pontiac Lake Rd., Waterford 48328
Cost: $20.00
Presenter(s): Karen Gomez and Julie McDaniel
Class Limit: 30
Knowledge: Suggested: Children of Trauma
Grade Level: K-12
Audience: K-12
SCECHs: Pending. Check the status of this course at:
SW-CEH (Social Worker Continuing Education Hours): Pending. Please come prepared to provide your license number at registration.
Meal(s): lunch
Questions? Please contact .
Event Description:

You will learn trauma-specific intervention tasks and techniques. This is a day of practicing and experiencing the evidence-based structured sensory interventions presented in the Children of Trauma course. The presenter engages attendees in an encapsulated demonstration of the major sensory structured processes. Participants will practice interventions to ameliorate survivor reactions, post-traumatic stress and grief reactions in children following violent and non-violent traumatic losses. Attendees will also participate in additional activities and by days end will feel comfortable using any of the TLC intervention programs. A brief presentation of the TLC evidence-based research and outcomes will support value of TLC’s structured sensory programs in schools and

Learning Objectives

The participant will be able to:

• Demonstrate how to be a caring, curious witness to help trauma survivors heal.

• Identify the most immediate and appropriate intervention needs of the traumatized child/adolescent.

• Learn and practice activities for the most common themes of trauma.

• Adapt approaches for use in individual and group settings in schools and agencies.

• Develop strategies to foster resilience and enable young people to thrive.

• Learn and practice mind-body skills for emotional regulation