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Data Based Decision Making for K-5 Educators 2019-20 (3 Day Event)
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Title: Data Based Decision Making K-5 Educators  (3 Day Event)
Date(s): October 2, 2019 &  January 22, and April 30, 2020
Time(s): 8:30AM - 3:30PM
Location: Oakland Schools, 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328
Cost: $65.00
Presenter(s): Dr. Susan Koceski
Class Limit: 40
Grade Level: K-5 Educators
Audience: Instructional Leaders
SCECHs: Pending. Check the status of this course at:
Meal(s): Lunch
Questions? Please contact
Event Description:

Data-based decision making is an essential component of a successful Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). Data-based decision making is a skill set that is used at the grade level, classroom, and individual student problem solving to accelerate learning. Data-based decision making is an essential skill set used at the grade level, classroom level and individual problem-solving to accelerate learning. The focus of using data-based decision making is through the grade-level meetings that surrounds screening data at least three times per year. Data-Based Decision Making for K-5 Educators consists of three full day professional learning experiences, with time for teams to action plan, prepare data for data-based grade level meetings, and network. Big ideas for what is data-based decision making and logistics will be covered. Teams will learn to use a problem-solving protocol to analyze student data, identify gaps in student learning, and plan for instruction and interventions. Teams will leave with tools to assist them using data-based decision making at the grade level within the elementary structure.