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Paraeducator Training- Kick-off Trauma and Resiliance
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Title: Paraeducator Training- Kick-off Trauma and Resiliance
Date(s): August 24, 2020
Time(s): 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Location: online
Cost: FREE
Presenter(s): Diane Fekete
Class Limit: 150
Grade Level: all
Audience: Paraprofessionals

Questions? Please contact .
Event Description:

The 2020 – 2021 Oakland County Paraeducator Series will begin with the very timely topic of Trauma and Resilience. So much is impacting our world and it can take a very adverse toll on our students with disabilities. Dr. Julie McDaniel from Oakland Schools, will explore the facets of trauma and the affect it has on students. Participants will be exposed to approaches that assist students coping with traumatic life experiences and to help them learn build resilience into their lives. Strategies received during this training can be immediately utilized in the classroom. This event will be held virtually and participants will receive a link approximately one week before the event.
