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"BookaKucha" - Session Two: EduProtocols-One at a Time Professional Learning Series
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Title: "BookaKucha" - Session Two: EduProtocols-One at a Time Professional Learning Series"
Date(s): September 21, 2022
Time(s): 4:30PM - 5:30PM
Location: Virtual Learning
Cost: FREE!!
Presenter(s): Laura Cummings
Class Limit: 100
Knowledge: None, but it will be helpful if you have familiarity with EduProtocols
Grade Level: 2-12
Audience: Elementary, middle and high school teachers, media specialists and other interested educators
SCECHs: Pending. Upon approval will be available for an additional fee.
Questions? Please contact
Event Description:

EduProtocols are lesson frames that can be used with any curriculum and are designed to allow students to engage in discussions, practice thinking with agility, and develop creativity as they show what they know. In this professional learning series each session will focus on one EduProtocol. You will experience the EduProtocol from the student viewpoint and learn tips and tricks for using the protocol in your classroom. Templates to help you easily get started with the protocols will also be shared. Attend as many sessions as fit your interests and schedule. EduProtocols covered in the series are Iron Chef (9-15-22), BookaKucha (9-21-22), Great American Race(10-05-22), Sketch & Tell (10-19-22), Thin Slides & Thick Slides (11-10-22), Numbermania (11-16-22), and Game of Quotes (12-01-22). Each session you attend is eligible for one SCECH credit and you can earn up to 7 SCECH credits. One $10 fee will process all of the SCECH credits you earn.

The "BookaKucha" EduProtocol is designed so that each student develops their own book report at the same time as their classmates regardless of the page number the student is currently on. Everybody pauses the reading at the same time and develops four slides based on where they are in the book. Students present three of their slides within a one minute snapshot. No more book reports to take home and spend hours correcting! Attendees at this session should have a book or magazine they are currently reading to use for reference. Note: BookaKucha can be adapted for use with textbooks and articles.